At My Fingertips

A few weeks ago, I mentioned my DM’s Screen, and with the campaign imminent, I thought it was time to share it with you. I read a lot of recommendations for what to put on it, and looked at the pages that came with the one I got. In the end, I only included one of those pre-generate pages in my screen. The rest of the pages are things I cobbled together myself.

Page 1: The far left side of my DM screen is a map of the region the campaign begins in. This will serve as a quick reference for geography and distances for the first section of my game. When (or if) the campaign moves on, I can replace this map with the next relevant region of the world of Exandria.

Page 2: Player Characters. This page has two tables. One basic character/player information: Player name, Character name, Class, Race, and Languages. The other, their skills, specialties, and passive perception scores. This is a quick reference for me to call for skill checks, let people know what they notice or overhear, and just generally help me keep track of who is who.

Page 3: Tables. Here I keep a wide variety of tables that are “suggested resources” or ones I created. I have the basic DCs, Cover rules, Travel times per mode of transport, Distances between places, Research DCs and outcomes, and the costs of common items in taverns and magic items by rarity.

Page 4: Conditions, Senses, and Vocabulary. The Conditions page was one that came with the screen, and includes the Exhaustion table. However, this page had a big graphic taking up nearly half the page. So, instead, I filled that space with a listing of the definitions of different senses (blindsense, darkvision, tremorsense, and truesight) and some campaign-specific vocabulary. In this case, that vocabulary has to do with the Luxon and Consecuted souls.

That is what I will start with, and I’m sure I’ll be changing it as the campaign goes on and I discover other things I need quick access to, depending on my players. I can always fall back on my OneNote reference pages, too.

What do you put on your DM Screen?